

100% MONEY


Availability: 90 In Stock

Catron IV is a screwworm and ear tick spray that controls insect pests on beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep, goats, hogs* and horses. It contains a blue dye for identification of treated areas. *Do not ship swine for slaughter within five days of last treatment.

  • Kills and controls screwworms, fleece worms, and other blowfly maggots in or around superficial wounds.
  • Protects wounds from flies.
  • Kills ear ticks (spinose & Gulf Coast ear ticks.
  • Offers protection against stable flies, horse flies, deer flies, face flies, horn flies, mosquitoes, and gnats.
  • Controls poultry lice.
  • Controls blood sucking lice.
  • Treat navel of newborn animals.
  • Permethrin.

Manufacturers Warnings:

Causes skin irritation. Do not get on skin or clothing. Harmful if absorbed through the skin. Avoid contact with eyes. Harmful if swallowed. Causes moderate eye irritation. Harmful if inhaled. Avoid breathing sprays. Avoid contamination of feed and foodstuffs. Remove pets and birds and cover fish aquariums before space spraying or surface applications. This product is not for use on humans. Vacate room after treatment and ventilate before reoccupying. Do not allow children or pets to contact treated areas until surfaces are dry.

Safety Data Sheets:

Click Here to Download Safety Data Sheet

SHAKE WELL BEFORE USING: Remove protective cap, hold container upright and spray from a distance of 12 to 15 inches except where stated otherwise. Remove birds and cover fish aquariums before spraying. PRECAUTIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, Except when applying to livestock, do not enter or allow others to enter treated area until sprays have dried. Except when applying to livestock, do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Except when applying to livestock, only protected handlers may be in the area during application. Do not breathe dust, vapors or spray mist. Do not apply when food or feed is present. Remove or cover food processing equipment and food preparation surfaces, or wash them before use. Application is prohibited directly into sewers or drains, or to any area like a gutter where drainage to sewers, storm drains, water bodies, or aquatic habitat can occur. Do not allow the pro
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