

100% MONEY


Availability: 4 In Stock

Help your chicken, pheasant, or other poultry eggs properly develop by placing them in the Farm Innovators Digital Circulated Air Incubator with Turner. Placing your fowl eggs in an incubator offers them a safe haven for proper growth, increasing the chances of hatching, and this professional grade unit provides virtually all you need to thoroughly care for the eggs. The base holds up to 45 chicken or 90 pheasant eggs on its metal screen, and is deep enough to accommodate large duck or goose eggs if desired. The included, automatic turner can be placed above this screen instead, holding up to 41 chicken eggs rather than having them rest on the base. The motor on this turner slowly rotates the tray and eggs, ensuring optimal development and eradicating the need for you to manually turn them daily. An innovative, Incutek heater on the top cover maintains a warm environment inside the unit, and is factory preset to heat the piece to 100° Fahrenheit within minutes. Its integrated fan ensures the warm air circulates through the entire, 15" square chamber, assisted by two capped ventilation holes.

  • A digital LCD display on the top of the incubator notes the unit's internal temperature in Fahrenheit, the percentage of humidity, and the days to hatch, which is adjustable for a variety of eggs.
  • A red light at the top of this display flashes if the temperature inside the piece drops below or above its recommended range, and three buttons at the base of this screen allow you to set it for your specific needs.
  • The deep channels beneath the base screen hold plenty of water, maintaining the humidity level, and the included probe thermometer can rest atop the eggs for additional temperature monitoring.
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