

100% MONEY


Availability: 50 In Stock

Pyranha Legacy Fly Spray is easy and convenient for use directly on animals and premises. Water based. Kills and repels bot flies, mosquitoes, stable flies, horse flies, deer flies, house flies, horn flies, face flies, ticks, gnats, lice and fleas. Also kills deer ticks that may carry Lyme Disease.

  • Water-Based.
  • Kills & Repels.
  • Citronella Scented.
  • Works Rain or Shine.
  • Quick Knock-down!
  • Permethrin, Pyrethrins, Piperonyl Butoxide.

Safety Data Sheets:

Click Here to Download Safety Data Sheet

DIRECTIONS FOR USE It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. RESTRICTIONS: Apply only as specified on this label Except when applying directly to animals, do not allow adults, children or pets to enter the treated area until sprays have dried Except when applying directly to animals, do not apply this product in a way that will contact adults, children or pets either directly or through drift Remove or cover exposed food and drinking water before application Remove or cover dishes, utensils, food processing equipment and food preparation surfaces or wash them before use Application is prohibited directly into sewers or drains or to any area like a gutter where drainage to sewers, storm drains, water bodies or aquatic habitat can occur. Do not allow the product to enter any drain during or after application Not for use in outdoor residential misting systems STOP: READ ENTIRE LABEL BEFORE EACH USE. DO NOT USE ON DOGS OR CATS OR OTHER ANIMALS OTHER THAN HORSES. DO NOT USE ON HORSES INTENDED FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION. DO NOT USE ON FOALS UNDER THREE (3) MONTHS OF AGE. FOR USE ON HORSES. USE FULL STRENGTH: This non-oily insecticide/repellent may be applied with a spray application or as a wipe. DIRECTIONS FOR WIPE-ON USE: Thoroughly brush horse to remove excess dirt and dust. Extremely dirty horses should be shampooed, rinsed and allowed to dry before applying wipe. Use a sponge or clean soft cloth or mitt. Apply liberally (1 -2 ounces) over areas to be protected. Pay special atte
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