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Availability: 95 In Stock

Protect your pony’s scrapes, cuts and bruises while they heal using the Andover Healthcare CoFlex Vet Equine Bandage. This premium, self-adhering cohesive bandage is made using woven fabric base material, linear elastic yarns and high-quality latex cohesive. Linear elastic yarns deliver consistent compression without constricting, moving or falling off over time. With superior adhesion, this bandage is sweat and water-resistant and works well even in cold weather, yet is still easy to remove and won’t stick to skin or fur. Convenient and easy to use, it can be applied in a continuous motion. Like all Andover products, this bandage is made in the USA and comes in a variety of colors.

  • Premium, self-adhering cohesive bandage is made using woven fabric base material, linear elastic yarns and high-quality latex cohesive.
  • Linear elastic yarns deliver consistent compression without constricting, moving or falling off over time.
  • Bandage is sweat and water-resistant and works well even in cold weather, yet is still easy to remove and won’t stick to skin or fur.

Wrap bandage at desired tension, no pre-stretching necessary. Continue wrapping bandage to completely cover the first layer at desired tensile strength. Cut bandage at desired length. Seal bandage to the bottom layer with fingernail for strong cohesive seal. Bandage will not tighten or loosed once applied and will maintain the tension applied. It is important to pay attention to proper tension at application.
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