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Comfort Zone

Comfort Zone Multi-Cat Diffusers reduce multi-cat tension and conflict by releasing drug-free, odorless, calming pheromones that mimic cats’ natural, calming pheromones for up to 30 days. Less stress in the home will reduce bad behaviors between cats like multi-cat tension, conflict, or hissing.

  • Multi-Cat Tension and Conflict.
  • Deters urine marking.
  • Helps with destructive scratching.
  • Isoparafinnic Hydrocarbon 85% Analogue of Feline Pheromone 5% Other Ingredients 10%

Safety Data Sheets:

Click Here to Download Safety Data Sheet

The Comfort Zone Multi-Cat Diffuser is easy to use. Just plug the diffuser into any standard wall outlet in the room you want treated and watch it go to work, emitting a drug-free, odorless vapor that creates a calm and peaceful environment for your cats. Use one diffuser per room and replace refill every 30 days. Replace the diffuser unit each year. Only use Comfort Zone Multi-Cat refills
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