

100% MONEY


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Sulfodene 3-Way Ointment for Dogs is a first aid wound care ointment that helps prevent infection, relieves pain and provides a barrier against insects and germs. Use on minor cuts, scrapes, bites, abrasions and skin irritaions to help healing. Treat hot spots associated with scratching, hair loss and redness.

  • First aid ointment helps prevent infection, relieves pain and provides a barrier against insects and germs.
  • Use on minor cuts and scrapes to help healing.
  • Treats hot spots associated with scratching, hair loss and redness.
  • Active Ingredients : Benzocaine 1.5%, Salicylic Acid 1.6%. Inactive Ingredients: Menthol, Sorbitan Monooleate, Polysorbate 80, Cajaput (Melaluca Lucadendron - Tea Tree Oil), Thyme Oil, Cornmint OIl, Clove Oil, Soldium Edetate Disodium, Benzalkonium Chloride, Butylated Hydroxytoluene, Echinacea, Emu Oil in a Beeswax/Petroleum Base.

Safety Data Sheets:

Click Here to Download Safety Data Sheet

Apply directly to the wound. Repeat 1 to 3 times daily as necessary.
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