

100% MONEY


Availability: 23 In Stock
Manna Pro

Hoof Heal creates a flexible barrier that breathes and prolongs protection. On going use of Hoof Heal helps keep the coronary band, heel, sole and frog healthy and capable of handling impact without cracking. An alive looking hoof and lasting healthy shine is created.

  • Promotes healthy hoof growth.
  • Helps prevent drying and cracking.
  • Creates a long-lasting shine.

Safety Data Sheets:

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Shake Vigorously for 20-30 Seconds Before Application. If hooves are dirty, clean and allow them to dry. Apply Hoof Heal on the coronet and over the entire surface of the hoof with the hoof resting on dry clean concrete. Within minutes, when you raise the hoof you will find that Hoof-Heal has penetrated and marked the concrete outlining the nail marks on the bottom of the hoof. Apply Hoof-Heal three times a week for best results.
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