

100% MONEY


Availability: Out Of Stock
Little Giant

Taking the place of one of the frames inside the brood box, the frame feeder (sometimes known as a division board feeder) holds 3 quarts of syrup. Inner ladders and grooved sides help the bees access the syrup while reducing the risk of drowning.

  • Feeds your bees when outside nectar sources are unavailable.
  • Takes the place of a frame inside the brood box.
  • Inner ladders and grooved side helps bees access the syrup while preventing drowning.
  • Holds 3 quarts of syrup.

Assembly‐ Cap and Ladder 1. Assemble the ladders‐ At the hinge points; gently pre‐bend the ladders so that the ridge along the top is opening to the outside. Continue folding until it is a rectangular shape. With the ladder on a hard surface, snap clips on the edge firmly together to secure, working from the outside toward the center. 2. Assemble the two ladders into the frame feeder cap‐ Push rectangular ladders securely into cap until the lip of the ladder lies flush on the cap. 3. Insert the cap and ladder assembly into the frame feeder body‐ Snap down cap onto the body of the feeder Clips If you don’t want to use the cap and ladder method you can simply just fill your feeder and use the clips to hold it in place.
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