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Availability: 62 In Stock
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ShieldTec® Plus for Dogs provides superior protection against flea, tick, and mosquito at an affordable price. ShieldTec Plus for Dogs harnesses the power of two active ingredients. The primary ingredient kills and repels adult fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, and lice, while the other ingredient, an insect growth regulator prevents new infestations by destroying eggs and larvae. ShieldTec Plus for Dogs also protects against blood-feeding mosquitoes, a vector of heartworm. Each package contains four-dose, each dose lasts for up to four weeks for a total of four months of protection.

  • Complete flea, tick and mosquito control.
  • Repels ticks so they don’t have a chance to bite.
  • Repels and Kills Mosquitoes for 30 Days.

Safety Data Sheets:

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Step One: Remove tubes from packaging. Using one applicator tube, hold the tube with the narrow end pointing up. Step Two: Holding tube away from you and your dogs eyes, snap the applicator tip at notched line to open. Step Three: Invert tube over dog and use open end to part dogs hair. Apply the entire tube as a spot to the skin at three or more different locations along the dogs back between the shoulder blades and base of tail. Squeeze tube to apply all of the solution to the dogs skin.
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